Monday, June 3, 2019

April & May in the log...

Hi, again no many QSOs in the log during this period...
It seems too many of us are having fun on FT8, even when conditions are good enough !
So, I continue my IOTA quest when new ones appear, and thanks to XR1RRC from IOTA SA-069, IT9/DJ4EL from IOTA EU-166, I could add 2 new islands in the log...
- AM70URE/6 Balearic Islands was worked on 12M CW (new band !! #290th worked DXCC on 12M) and on 6M SSB (new slot)
- 7X2TT Algeria was worked as a new one 6M FT8 (remember ? FT8...) and my 106th worked DXCC on the Magic Band !
And that's all for the new band/slots in the log... I made several other contacts in CW & SSB on 6M, but no more big session of E-Sporadic as past years, everybody's playing on FT8... CQing CW/SSB on empty band is not fun when you KNOW conditions are good :/

That's the reason I recently jumped into Satellites (FM) with a pedestrian equipment (HT & ARROW antenna) !
I found a new place of interest, working birds is really exciting, the SAT community is very rich, no SSN required, and real OM contacts... More soon.

Chris F8DZY