Saturday, November 17, 2018

August, September & October in the log...

Hi all, sorry I'm very late with post updates but not many interesting things logged so far here...
I didn't add any new one on 50MHz during this season. 
My chase is focused on IOTA, and, luckily, there were some new ones :
- In August, I worked RT65KI from IOTA AS-065

- In September, I worked RI0B from IOTA AS-121, AS-104 & AS-087

- In october, I worked KP4/EI9FBB from IOTA NA-249 NEW !

This bringged me to a total of 593 worked islands by the end of October.

New Clublog matches also appeared during these months with :
- 7V9A from IOTA AF-094
- PX8Z from IOTA SA-060
- V6J from IOTA OC-254
- YB4IR/8 from OC-274 
This bringged me to a total of 560 confirmed islands by the end of October.

It's already winter season coming... time flies !

Chris F8DZY