Thursday, September 17, 2015

7X2JV in the mail !

Hi, I received 7X2JV QSL confirming our 12M SSB QSO in October 2014...
It was strangely my only QSO with Algeria on this band ! 
7X is now confirmed from 80M to 10M in the 3 modes...
Will have to wait for any activity on 160M or 6M a day to add new band to this entity.

Chris F8DZY

Saturday, September 12, 2015

E27EK/P IOTA AS-125 in the mail !

Hi, today I received E27EK/P QSL from IOTA AS-125  Chang Island.
It confirms our 15M CW QSO and my IOTA #416, thanks Tana !

Chris F8DZY

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Some fresh news... ^^

Hey hey...
Just a little post to show you the reason of my "silence" all summer long :

Yes, I also have another hobby : VTT ! Started 2 years ago as running & football, I pratice it especially during summer.
And as this summer was very quiet on DX activity (I missed some interesting IOTAs of course), I decided to have a complete break with radio, in order to be back in some weeks, when some good DX-peditions will be on air !
Actually, the vertical is still down and dismantled, as the beams (only down the pylon as you maybe can see on the photo ^^). 
I have previewed a complete clean of the antennas before going up again...
Stay tuned, be right back soon ;)
Chris F8DZY