Friday, January 30, 2015

EP6T IOTA AS-166 : the chase !

Hi all,
Really very light radio activity these times for me !
EP6T team made a great job from Iran, Kish Island IOTA AS-166 :)
This DXCC is not a new one here but only worked / confirmed on 15M...
I could work them 6 times on 10M CW, 12M SSB + CW, 17M SSB + CW & 20M CW on my free time. My 482nd worked IOTA... and my 300th DXCC on 20M !
4 new bands is good enough, my only regret is for low bands... maybe next time ! ;)

 Some days ago, I also worked C5X The Gambia on 30M CW &  12M CW, my 2 last needed slots for this DXCC !

Today I worked Alex XW3DT on 17M CW + SSB for a new band with Laos, and 3A2LF from Monaco in backscatter (while he was called by russian wall) on 12M CW (new slot) ;)

Chris F8DZY


  1. Very nice Chris. I like your post, no complaints about the DXpedition. I think you did well. They had a lot of QRN on the low bands. There always be a next time...73, Bas

  2. TNX for your comment Bas !
    Yes there's always another chance...
    I couldn't complain : new bands, new IOTA = less frustration with the next activity ;)
    Chris F8DZY.
