The 2019 year started very well for me thanks to TZ4AM from Mali worked on 160M CW for a new one Top Band !
Then, I could log 9LY1JM DX-Pedition to Sierra Leone by many times, including new bands, mode or slots (super job guys !)
VP8LP Falkland Islands was worked on 15M FT8 for a new slot...
On the last week-end of January, it was the REF Cup CW part. A long time I didn't take part in so I decided to give some points :)
As usually, Murphy's law decided to take part too : my vertical just up again, it didn't work at all ! The capacitor(s) and/or self(s) didn't do the job anymore and I couldn't use it for the contest... So, all my 80M & 40M QSOs were done with the inverted L 160M (!) (no joy). The 15M band were completely dead -excepted for West Indies coming in 599++- and the 10M too as usually, only short skip QSOs there. Good fun anyway in this contest, and the pleasure to find some old friends calls ! ;)
Actually, I made a 80M inverted L and a 40M/30M vertical, both with simple electrical wire as for the 160M... it does the job, QRX.
Chris F8DZY